Did our dressage which was just lovely, he did a super test, very responsive & light, we came away with 3rd equal after the dressage.
Went clear SJing (as I'd bliddy well hope!!!) but did have a moment at the planks when he went to stop & then threw himself over them LOL

Then it was time for the XC.
He warmed up really nicely & confidently, which actually surprised me as he can put in a silly stop at his first presentation at an XC fence. They have a lovely brown jump covered in coloured hand prints that he took exception to at the warm up last time we were there a year ago, however he didn't even blink at it this time. Just goes to show he's really starting to get a lot more confident. Quite exciting really!
Anyway, we went into the XC paddock where he started napping a little, he wanted to go back to the other horses. When I wouldn't let him & gave him a tap with the whip, I was treated to a completely over the top reaction of a full height rear, complete with one leg delicately stretched out. So once he came down he got another smack & was driven forward to the start box. Funny how they can be so dramatic sometimes. Quietly wandered into the start box & stood quietly waiting to be counted down. Had to do a big pony club kick to get him going, think he was tired out after the slow motion acrobatic display LOL
Well I have to say, he gave me the BEST cross country ride that I have ever had on him. He was forward (yes, time to change the bit again, he wasn't so keen on listening at all between the jumps) & actually locked on to each jump & took me into them. He didn't spook or gawk at a single thing, didn't even hesitate to go down the hills or over the scarey bridge out the back, even though there were spectators on sitting on the jump next to the one we had to do. Water was an option, you could either do the bank complex next to it & stay dry, or go down the ramp into the water and out the other side. Decided since the day was definitely for practicing and getting bold, we did the water. What did surprise me however was the fact that he just charged on in to the water. Didn't want to slow down & was happy to just have a look as he was going. Trotted in like he'd been doing it all his life! I had the biggest grin on my face by the time we'd finished, shock horror, I'd actually just enjoyed the cross country part!!

Ended up second, which was a lovely end to a very sucessful day in the personal best department, I was so proud of my pony, he really felt like he was starting to get the hang of it all. I guess being 6 now means he's a big boy after all?
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