Last chance to qualify. Will we do it? He's been going really well, dressage feels sorted, SJing has been sorted for a while & surely he'll go clear on the XC this time round, he's been over everything before??
We were 12th after dressage, clear in the SJing

Then Sunday happened. I think I would really much prefer eventing if you didn't have to do XC LOL Nice hard course today, lots of ditches, combinations & a lovely massive corner. Excellent!
Left the start box & jumped the first 4 jumps & then headed up to the trakhener. I actually wasn't worried about this, as he'd jumped it last year without even looking at it, so wasn't even in a defensive sitting up position coming into it. I can honestly say that he wasn't feeding off my nerves on this one, I really wasn't worried about it. Turns out I should have been.
He came into it flatout & then at the last possible nano-second, he stopped, dropped his should & turned himself inside out & headed back in the other direction. No way was I able to stay with that & managed to cannon off in great style. Didn't land in the ditch, so that was a good start. Got up, dusted myself off & jumped into the landrover, were I was driven to the start box & reunited with my snot of a horse.
Got back on & galloped back out again. Galloped past the trakhener as at this stage, my new found confidence was severely goneburger & I knew I wouldn't be able to bluff my way over that & didn't want any more stops to destroy any more of my remaining low levels of confidence. Came down the hill & jumped the double nicely with the skinny at the back

Then carried on to the bank complex & then the water. I'm a little angry now as have started to feel a bit achey, so growled & made Flynn jump straight in the water off the ledge, which he did with no hesitations, then off to our first small coffin comination. Straight over that & out to the offset double, did that beautifully, as well as all the rest of the course. Sailed over the big coffin combination out the back, over the big corner. Finished up after going over everything clear (bar the trakhener) & was actually quite happy with Flynn. Packed up float & headed home, slightly gutted that we hadn't qualified but optimistic in that it didn't really matter, we'd done really well at Puhinui, so realistically had still managed my goal. As I was driving along, my left hand started to really, really hurt. Turns out I had dislocated my little finger at the knuckle and broken it just before the first joint. So was really, really proud of myself for getting back on & completing the course! LOL I do however think we will give up eventing, I don't really enjoy it & being that nervous & doing it anyway? Not so much fun!!