Met Mel & Cobs at the Te Atatu Derby Day, as it was the week before Puhinui YEH & figured a quick run would be good to get any spookiness out before the important day came around. Walked the course with Mel & nearly went home! What a technical course! Here I was thinking it would be some SJs set up around a XC course with the odd XC jump in it, but no, it was a full XC course, (complete with water & a massive ditch with a log at the back of it) with a 2 SJing courses, 1 set up at 1/3 & 1 set up at 2/3s of the way round the XC course! So much for a casual day! Really glad I bought my body protector just in case! We had a stop at the pile of logs in front of the water & then another one at the water but went clear over everything else, including the big ugly ditch
Warming Up

The Corner

The ditch. I think we both thought we might fall in!

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