YAY!! The big day has arrived! Karen agreed to be my groom for the day, as I suck at plaiting and you have 15 minutes from completing your dressage test, to put boots on, change gear if necessary, get to the jumping phase AND warm up. I don't cope with hectic to well when I'm nervous LOL
So we headed off to Puhinui & started plaiting up. We had to do an arrival inspection complete with our little NZEF booklets etc, but after waiting around for half an hour, someone finally came down & told us that the arrival inspections had been cancelled.
Flynn all prettied up for inspection (standing like a munter as he wanted to keep creeping forward!)

Pretty pony in Karen's bridle

So quickly went back to the float and got ready for the dressage. Decided it was going to be easiest to just do my dressage test in my jumping saddle so that all I needed was to put boots on. Karen very nicely carried my jumping whip & boots for me so that we didn't have to dash back to the float in the middle and waste any time.
Warming up for the dressage

Dressage test had all sorts in it, we had to change rein in canter with simple changes through trot, lengthened strides, 5m loops etc. Bit technical for us! LOL The dressage arena was nicely set up, with pretty flowers around the outside & we did a lovely 4 foot plant spook as we entered the arena. Luckily it was right at the entry & just as I was sitting so was able to get leg on & get him moving almost instantly & the judges didn't comment on it, so phew! He did a nice test, bit tense, but for Flynn it was pretty good, we got 66% & 60.48% from the 2 judges

Finishing off lengthened strides & trying to rebalance before the corner(yes his head will fall off I don't look down)

Then straight over the jumping. Did a couple of warm up jumps & headed in as we were first to go after morning tea break & I knew they were waiting for us.
Warm Up Jump

Flynn jumped really nicely, did all the jumps with the right amount of striding etc

However unfortunately I didn't ride him very well & let him stop at the coloured dog kennel/ramp thing before the bank.

Circled and he jumped it straight away the next time with no hesitations.

Then up the ramp onto the bank, where we powered off the bank like an energiser bunny

Then over the last jump & off we go for our gallop

I was told by the judge when I walked the gallop area that morning, that they really wanted an absolute flatstick gallop, showing how balanced the horse is and how much ground they cover, without looking laboured etc.
Slowing down after the gallop

Flynn trotting after I finally managed to get him stopped after the gallop

Then after that, we had to go over and do the last part, which was gear off for the conformation part, then I had to run Flynn up for the judges. I nearly died when they said that, my legs were all shaky already from doing the jumping LOL Ran him up & the lady very nicely helped me throw his gear back on & that was it, it was all over!
Had to wait around for a while to get the results, so was great to go & watch the Show Jumping. Eventually the scores were up & much to my amazement, we managed to get 8th!! Prizes were given out up to 6th place.
Scores are as follows
Dressage - 9th equal with 25.3
Jumping - 12th with 24.5 (stupid stop!)
Confirmation & type - 4th equal with 11
Suitability- 6th with 7.3
with 8th overall total mark 68.1%
The 4th to 6th place were all on 72.something% each, with 7th on 68.4%, so it was all very close! I was so proud of Flynn & very impressed that we had managed to score as high as we had across so many things.
Just adding in a good photo we got showing Flynn's colouring in the sun.
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