Picked up my new saddle for Flynn the day before we left, I ended up having to buy a brand new Bates Momentum, then send it away to have the Cair panels ripped out of it & it to be filled with flock, so as to prevent the rodeo pony routine from happening again...
The trip down was an experience, slept overnight in the car at Taupo Equestrian Centre while Flynn had a nice play in the paddock there & then carried on early in the morning to miss the traffic. Got as far as Eketahuna (15 minutes north of Mum & Dad's place) when the car started making very, very bad noises!! So pulled over into the rest stop. Richard ascertained that it was possibly the stone guard loose & hitting the wheel, however with no tools we couldn't fix it, so rang mum who came up with a little tool kit. Didn't want to risk driving on it as a) wasn't 100% sure it was that & b) didn't want it to come lose & cut through a brake cable. It also sounded initially like it was the gearbox, so we really wanted ot make sure before we headed out again. Flynn didn't mind the stop at all, he got to graze around the rest area, not even remotely fussed by the big trucks going flying past on the highway. Even mugged some poor kid for her apple core when they pulled in to say hi to him & for the little girl to pat a real horse.
Richard finished fixing the car & we were on our way again. Got to the farm & put Flynn in his new paddock. He thought it was great as it was right next to the house & if you stay at that end of the paddock long enough, you'll get carrots thrown at you from the deck... Grass was long enough he could hide in it
Day Two, took Flynn down to Mandy's place to have a quick play around over her jumps & to pick up his new paddock mate, Nacho. Bought the ponies home & gave them dinner. Very happy families thank goodness!
Day Three. Rode Flynn out over the farm & introduced him to creek crossings & after a few leaps sideways leaps, he cottoned on that he could just go through them. Took him for a wander out towards the back hill, only forgot that there was a creek crossing complete with a tiny bridge over it. After half an hour of 1 step forward & 10 steps backwards, we eventually crossed the bridge. Turned him around & tried to cross it again & got the same response. After an hour, we could walk back & forwards across the bridge without hysterics, so flagged the hill ride & took him back in again. Had a lovely gallop across the paddock which I'm sure had both of us beaming!
Tried the creeks & bridge crossing again the next day & what do you know, he'd remembered!!! So took him up the hill. Found a bit where the hill evened out a bit before going up again & played around with some logs there. Flynn was starting to feel more & more confident by this stage, so was quite stoked. Took him back & gave him a bath as was going to take him over to Palmerston North to do the New Years show at Tielcey Park. Was eating dinner on the deck that night when I saw him trot over to a dusty spot & roll, only to get up awkwardly. Finished dinner & wandered over to find that he'd knocked himself getting up. Hosed the leg for 20 minutes & bandaged it in the hope it would take the swelling down. Hosed it again at 10pm before going to bed.
Got up early in the morning, only to find his leg still swollen, now complete with a teensy limp. Poor guy! Flagged going to the show & spent the day hosing his leg on & off. Swelling came down by that night & he was walking properly again. Kept an eye on it over the next few days & even still, it managed to get infected, so had to get the vet out on New Years day for antibiotics. Didn't ride again in the end as got busy with friends coming over & visiting & giving pony rides on Nacho. Luckily the drive home was much less exciting!
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