09 September 2008

February 2007 Mangere ODE (intro)

Ok, so it can jump, but can it do a dressage test?? Entered Flynn into his first ODE & suddenly realised, hmmm, this could be interesting! He's never done dressage before, let alone been into a dressage arena with letters & a car at the end of it! After about 3 laps of the arena he decided to stop spooking at the judge (thank goodness!!)

Check out the most awesome halt! Hahahahaha
The test was mostly quite nice, but got a little tense after the first canter & then our halt was just exceptional hehehe!!

Then it was time for the bit we actually like! We had a good clear round, even if we did bounce the 1 stride double!!

XC Time - We managed to get right royally eliminated when Flynn took major exception to a fenceline jump that had a drop on the other side. (shaking, the works!) He eventually jumped it after 3 stops, he also stopped at another fenceline jump that had a massive puddle/lake on each side of it & at a stile type jump that was quite narrow (Jump 4 in the photos) Straight into the water though, so was quite happy for his first proper course!

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